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In our current culture we are constantly pushed to min-max our lives. To be always be working, and to not stop and enjoy the little things in life. That is why it is important to create a body of work that pushes against this new cultural norm. To allow people the space to step back and reflect about the values within their own life. By creating a work that flows to its own rules, the viewer is invited to take a moment and allow their own mind to flow as well.

This body of work explores the idea of; what does it mean for an artwork to be created with avoided influences of the human hand, something that flows naturally and follows a given set of rules and paths? A created system that will decide properties of the artwork, trying to take away some of the control from the artist. Hopefully, by taking away the full sense of control, the work itself becomes a meditative practice. Helping to guide the artist to submit to their own limits within their work. To allow the work to take on its own form and shape.

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By using the Perlin Noise function a vein-like flow begins to filter through over time. Even though Perlin is randomly generated to some extent, it still flows throughout the sketch naturally. Mimicking how life is random and chaotic, but also ebb and flows within itself.


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Thing of Internet

3d prints, video, and screens

The Internet is more than a place comfort and escapism for most of us. It’s always there. Like a true friend. Allowing you to express yourself freely or be someone or something that you’ve always wanted to be. Without any judgment.
However, with the Internet becoming such a big part of our lives it has been exploited and manipulated. Personal information being sold and bough or just taken for personal gain. People putting all their personal information out there, when now there’s a chance that it could be used against you.
Therefore, the Thing of Internet has awakened, it feels the need to express its concern for its current state. It’s noticed our eyes locked to the blue screen, the phantom vibrates, the like addiction, and the need for constant media feedback. Companies have been able to perfect the positive feedback loop to keep us coming back, even though we know their alterative motives.